The Other Side(English Edition)\rNan Goldin\rPublisher / Cornerhouse Publications Published/1993\rFormat / Hard Cover \rPages /143 \rSize /230*275*18\rCondition / Some tanning and yellowing due to age.経年による日焼けや黄ばみがございます。カバーの端が少し破れています。写真でご確認をお願い致します。\r\r Like Nobuyoshi Araki and others, Goldin is a representative of American \"private photography,\" and in response to the \"second private photography boom\" in Japan in the 1990s, she frequently visited Japan and collaborated with Araki and others. \rThis is the Japanese edition of a collection of his work published in 1992 as \"The Other Side\" in English, an early work that has recently been published in a new edition by Steidl. \rWhile living in Boston as a student, he became friends with drag queens, transgenders, and other friends who were considered outsiders at the time, and began taking photographs, He also traveled to Berlin, Bangkok, and the Philippines to take photographs.